Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Still Not Right

Dear India: 

Please, make it stop. You have ruined my immune system. I'm drinking juice and water by the gallon. My brain feels like it's being squeezed in a vice. My sinuses are on fire. I can think of far better ways to spend my upcoming birthday than being strung out on antibiotics that make me woozy. Also, I don't like being this physically aware of the workings of my internal organs. Kidneys should not pulse. I should not feel my heartbeat in my teeth. You get it, right?


I've pretty much been sick with one thing or another since returning from India. So far, I've had two colds, the full gamut of gastrointestinal issues, and now another infection requiring a doctor's visit and antibiotics.

I don't have health insurance (yet) because it makes more financial sense to pay out of pocket for the one time per year I usually go to a doctor of any kind. I haven't been to a dentist in two years. But if things don't work out well with my current illness, we may have to add me to Aaron's insurance plan to cover the expensive tests that will be needed.

Meanwhile, I have work I need to catch up on, and antibiotics to take. But I will continue posting about India in the next few days, and maybe even tonight (if I can stop feeling headachey and nauseated, and if staring at a computer screen for five or six hours for work doesn't make it worse).


  1. Uggh. Sounds like India wailed on your immune system! I'm sorry to read you're feeling miserable, though I can't deny that I'm enjoying posts surely stemming from your bedridden state. Do hydrate and take a bubble bath! OH! And watch Downton Abbey on Netflix (it's fun!). I hope you get to feeling better by your upcoming birthday, at the very least. =)

    1. Thanks, Rachel. It's actually the antibiotics I'm on that are making things worse. I called the pharmacist and asked him if the side effects I am experiencing are life threatening, and he said "Not to my knowledge"--but that doesn't make me feel any better. Only a few more days...

    2. Aww! I'm gonna need the pharmacist to work on his bedside manner. Punch the ookiness in the face!
