Saturday, June 9, 2012


You may (or may not) have noticed that I haven't written in awhile--over a month, actually. I haven't felt much like writing lately, which is kind of unfortunate, since that is what I do every day for my job (which actually might explain why I don't feel like writing).

I'll be honest: not much has been happening here.  Aaron and I are still applying for jobs. We're both still getting rejections. I have an interview on Monday for a job I can't realistically take, since it's only part-time and it isn't local. I guess it will be practice, since I've done very few interviews in my life and eventually I will need one to go well enough that I get hired.

I've embarked on a small-scale self-improvement project, which means I'm trying to sit on my ass a little less and sweat a little more. I ride my exercise bike while watching documentaries on Netflix because it's too hot to do anything outside. I've only been exercising regularly for a week. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, though.

Which brings me to my next point: the depressed funk I've been in for a few months hasn't yet lifted. I tried (and failed) to write a post about being depressed. I saw it as a way to help figure out just what the hell my problem is, but it's hard to write about depression without sounding pathetic and trite--and that made me feel worse, somehow. So I never finished the post, and I'm still depressed. Now that I have health insurance, I feel like I might actually have some options if I do choose some kind of treatment, which is a nice change.

I've been reading books. I've hung out with friends a few times. We had people over (a big deal, since we never do that). We went to the bar once or twice. We've driven around the backroads of southern Illinois, looking for nothing in particular and finding interesting stuff, anyway: waterfalls that have run dry, grazing cows in the middle of a wildlife refuge, a small cemetery, hiking trails through rock formations. This week, we even cooked a complete Thanksgiving dinner because we felt like it. We call home too seldom, and haven't visited since March.

Basically, nothing has been happening. Just life. I guess that's enough, though.


  1. I'd been in a funk lately, too. Missing Keith, lonely, bored... luckily classes are starting Monday and Young Writers is coming up, so I've been in better spirits. I like you Thanksgiving dinner idea. I've always wanted to cook Thanksgiving how *I* want, and have never been able to. Maybe I'll try it out.

    1. Do it, Jenny. And then invite people over. We did it a few years ago, and it was so much fun. Another option is to have people bring their family specialty dish-to-pass, because it's interesting to think about how other people celebrate holidays.

  2. Hopefully things have spiraled upward since this post. Sometimes the same ole' is fine just the same. Although, if you get really bored, you could write reviews about all the terrible 'buy on tv' ads, those are always worth a laugh!

    1. Things have been a little more interesting lately, and I'm also going to try to update more frequently. I was just really, really NOT feeling it.

      Instead of reviewing infomercials, I might review things I watched on Netflix streaming, because we only have a rabbit ear antenna and we get approximately 3 channels on any given day. I haven't watched CBS since December, and I can't say I miss it.
